Churchbridge has a wide variety of businesses and services available for residents and visitors.
Residents can refer to the Churchbridge Business Directory for businesses offering home renovation, furnace or water heater repairs, retail, aesthetic services and more. If you are considering bringing a new business to Churchbridge be sure to check out available Commercial properties here.
All businesses listed on the Town of Churchbridge website are taxpaying commercial businesses or have purchased a Town of Churchbridge business license and are therefore permitted to operate within Town limits.
For more information or to purchase a business license, please contact the Town Office at 306-896-2240.
Churchbridge Business Association Chairperson – Jeff Goebel 306-896-2635. Facebook
There is property for sale suitable for a motel, adjacent to Highway 16.
The Economic Development Committee is currently seeking volunteers. The EDC is a committee dedicated to the support of economic growth in the Town of Churchbridge offering opportunities and aid to up and coming businesses and established businesses with a focus on promotion. The original committee was instrumental in the creation of the sign corridor and the current committee intends to continue and build upon this foundation. If you are interested in joining the EDC, please contact the Town Office at 306-896-2240 or
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